
We place a strong focus on quality teaching in a family friendly atmosphere, carried out by qualified instructors.

For immediate Release: The CSAA Board of Directors met on August 19th to discuss fall sports. After much discussion, the board decided that in our current environment, we cannot safely offer fall sports. The football, volleyball, and cross country seasons are canceled. No CSAA member/parish can offer or sponsor or field these sports.  This discussion...

The CSAA continues to follow COVID-19 developments from the Governor’s office and updates from health authorities regarding sports and activities. Final CSAA fall decisions will be made with significant input from our Board of Directors, our parish AD’s (with direction from Pastors’) and school attendance decisions. Additionally, the KHSAA has an important meeting tomorrow that...

The 2020 CSAA fall sports practice/try-out start date is moving From July 27th to August 3rd. This change will match the recently revised KHSAA start date. We will continue to monitor the entirety of the situation and send out updates as things evolve. No on or off campus voluntary CSAA athletic activity or OTA’s are...

CSAA AD’s We are currently working on a safety document to help guide CSAA fall sports. The document will be presented to our CSAA Board of Directors for approval and then published to AD’s. This document should be ready for release by Monday, July 13th which is two weeks before the potential start of our...

© 2022 Catholic Schools Athletic Association. All rights reserved


ALL CSAA games and activity are cancelled for Sunday, January 5th.